Talk about "Scalable Algorithms for Shortest-Path Queries in Static and Dynamic Road Networks" by Muhammad Farhan

Australian National University - School of Computing

on Wednesday November 6th 2024, 10am in Conference Room 5/104, Mathematikon, Im Neuenheimer Feld 205, 69120 Heidelberg.

Abstract: Answering shortest-path distance queries between two arbitrary locations is a fundamental challenge in road networks. Despite extensive research, existing solutions still result in large search spaces at query time, especially for large road networks. Additionally, the dynamic nature of real-world road networks adds complexity, creating an urgent need for solutions that can handle dynamic updates efficiently.

Short Bio: Muhammad Farhan is a Research Fellow at the ANU School of Computing at the Australian National University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Australian National University (Australia) under the advisement of Qing Wang and Brendan McKay. His research interests lie broadly in the area of algorithms and machine learning. He currently works in designing scalable algorithms and deep learning models for real-world dynamic road networks.

Gastgeber: Prof. Dr. Christian Schulz, Algorithm Engineering