Maarten van den Heuvel / UNSPLASH


On this page you will find the forms for the various programs of study and events.

Forms for changing majors / recognition of academic achievements:

  • Recognition of periods of study (PDF-Form)
  • Recognition of study achievements in the bachelor's and master's program (form as Word Document or PDF-Form). Please enclose certificates of achievement (transcript, certificates, ...) and module descriptions (in German or English if necessary) of the courses that you would like to have recognized with this form. Please only enclose the module descriptions of the courses that you would like to have recognised, not complete module handbooks.

Forms for the Bachelor’s degree:

  • Registration of the bachelor thesis with a subject share of 100% according to the examination regulations of September 29th, 2021 "Computer Science" (PDF form)
  • Registration of the bachelor thesis with a subject share of 50% according to the examination regulations of September 29th, 2021 "Computer Science" (PDF form)
  • Registration of the bachelor thesis with a subject share of 100% according to the examination regulations of March 26th, 2015 "Applied Computer Science" (PDF form)
  • Registration of the bachelor thesis with a subject share of 50% according to the examination regulations of March 26th, 2015 "Applied Computer Science" (PDF form)
  • Application for an extension of the submission deadline for the bachelor thesis (MS Word document)
  • Application for the second repetition of an examination - hardship application, template as an example (MS Word document); please submit the form to the examination office.

Forms for the Master's degree

  • Registration of the Master's Thesis based on the exam regulations from 22.07.2010 "Angewandte Informatik" (PDF Form)
  • Registration of the Master's Thesis according to the examination regulations of 29 September 2021 "Data and Computer Science" (PDF Form)
  • Application for an extension of the deadline for submission of the Master's Thesis (MS Word Dokument)
  • Application for crediting a module from the Bachelor's degree program Computer Science in the the Master's degree program Data and Computer Science (PDF-Formular). Notice: Please submit with the form a transcript of your bachelor's degree in order to to ensure that you have not already acquired the knowledge in your bachelor's program.